
Matchpatterns.HostpermissionsandcontentscriptmatchingarebasedonasetofURLsdefinedbymatchpatterns.AmatchpatternisessentiallyaURLthat ...,Accordingto*/*.-Mohamed.,Thispagedescribesthematchpatternsyntax—therulesyouneedtofollowwhenyouspecifywhichURLsyourcontentscriptaffects.Amatchpatternis ....

Chrome Extensions Match patterns

Match patterns. Host permissions and content script matching are based on a set of URLs defined by match patterns. A match pattern is essentially a URL that ...

How to effectively match all sites with a content script?

According to the match pattern that matches every URL would be: http://*/*. -Mohamed.

Match Patterns

This page describes the match pattern syntax — the rules you need to follow when you specify which URLs your content script affects. A match pattern is ...


2021年2月25日 — Learn how to fix permission is unknown or URL pattern is malformed error in Chrome extension v3 manifest.

Match patterns - Mozilla

2024年4月12日 — Match patterns are a way to specify groups of URLs: a match pattern matches a specific set of URLs. They are used in WebExtensions APIs in a ...

Chrome Extension Manifest 'Matches'

2010年5月4日 — What I'm trying to do is match every URL, so my extension can manipulate the DOM (via javascript within scripts.js ) of any page it is ran on.

[Chrome Extension] Match Pattern

2021年10月31日 — Match Pattern @ Chrome Developer.

Match all URLs except certain URLs in Chrome Extension

2015年9月10日 — I'm trying to have it so that my content script runs on every site except for 3. I know there's probably a way to do it with regex but I'd ...

Match patterns | Manifest V2

The Chrome Web Store no longer accepts Manifest V2 extensions. Follow the ... A match pattern is essentially a URL that begins with a permitted scheme ...

Match patterns | Chrome Extensions

matches manifest key. Special cases. <all_urls>: Matches any URL that starts with a permitted scheme, including any pattern listed under valid patterns.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
